Saturday, July 28, 2012

One Day of Carb Cycling - High carb day

Breakfast Sandwich


This is one of my favorite Carb Cycle High Carb breakfasts!  I make mine with sprouted grain bread, 2/3c all whites, spinach and mushrooms (which I like to brown with a little cooking spray first then add the whites - cook till set, fold and cut in half) and topped with tomatoes and 1tbsp of greek yogurt, yum :-]  Don't forget to drink some water!  You need to drink 1 gallon of water a day on this plan - and really no matter what plan you're on.

So I had a busy day yesterday.  I finished my "shredders" early in the day, but didn't get my "shapers done until almost midnight, but I did them and went to bed feeling happy.

This is week 3 still of phase one and I am still doing my week 2 exercise schedule/sets because I missed week 2 because of surgery.  But today is Saturday! That means weigh-in day, and I still managed to lose
1.4lbs.  Not as big a number as my first week, but I am happy.  Last year, last month even, I may have completely lost my way after a week like I had week 2 with my surgery, but not now.  I jumped right back in as soon as I was allowed to do so and have been on track ever since.  I don't know why I feel so differently this time, I just know that I do.  That excites me, because usually around this time I start to get scared that the progress isn't going to continue, then I start to get unsure, and lose focus, of course that leads to modifications and frustration.............on and on.  I feel like I've finally gotten off that track, and now I'm just taking it one week at a time. (P.S. drink some water)  Coming soon....................................

Snack time!
Strawberry protein shake - this is one of my husbands favorites.  1/2c unsweetened vanilla almond milk & 1/2c water, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein and 2 packets of stevia - delicious.  (Have you had some more water?)
Yogurt Crunch
Now it's lunch time.  Usually I would have something like a tuna sandwich, but today I felt like having one of my favorites because I was running behind and this one is one of the fastest to throw together.  
I take 1/2c of nonfat plain greek yogurt (don't gross out - I wasn't a fan for a long time of ANY plain yogurt, but sour AND plain blah, right?  Not so fast) Throw in 1 capfull of vanilla, a dash of cinnamon and stevia to taste and mix it up well.  Top with your favorite low fat granola - this one happens to be a new one I'm trying strawberry vanilla - It was so delicious I had almost gobbled it up before I remembered I hadn't taken a picture yet. (Yes you know what's coming - drink some more water)
Turkey & Veggie Medley
Snack/dinner time depending on when you start your day.  I started mine a little late today, so this is my dinner.  This was the perfect dinner for a busy day.  I had already pre-cooked up the ground turkey with some herbs and garlic so I just put that over 1/3c of pre-cooked brown rice and added 1/2c organic frozen peas & carrots (recipe calls for peas & corn, but this was faster for me tonight - and if you can't modify you won't keep going right?) heated in the microwave for 2 minutes 5 sprays of butter spray and a dash of salt & pepper and dinner only took about 8 minutes!  Nice.  Kind of reminds me of deluxe fried rice but without all the sodium and fat.  It didn't seem like a lot when I first put it on my plate but I feel pleasantly full. (water, water, water)  And last but definitely not least.....................

Protein Shake
Final snack of the day - a little late so made it just protein, no fruit this time.  It's amazing the flavors you can get whey protein in.  I thought this one would be higher in sugar because it's cookies n' cream flavor, but it is actually lower than my vanilla one.  Still looking for the perfect protein powder.  Have tried, soy, and brown rice also.  Creamiest so far seems to be the Whey - I just need to keep my cholesterol count down and with all the protein all day the cholesterol can sneak up on me, since mine is high I have to keep my count below 200mg a day - sometimes it's good to have an option for that second shake that is cholesterol free.  So if anyone can suggest a good low or no cholesterol protein powder that still tastes good let me know.  UPDATE:  I found some good options -1:  whey/soy combo protein powder, and 2:  Whey Liquid, one shot is 2 servings for me and I can just mix it in with some water and drink it after my pm workout, love it.  (By now I shouldn't even have to say this but yes here it is - drink some more water)  I was afraid drinking water at night would have me up several times during the night to pee - but to my surprise after a couple of days my body started naturally flushing water on low carb days and I may get up once during the night, but most often not at all.

That's it!  5 meals on the 7-day Carb Cycle Solution high carb day.  On monday if I have the time I'll try to give you a sample of a low carb day.  You definitely eat tasty food, and lots of it just timed right.  Then 6 days a week you do fat burning "shredder" intervals that last about 35 minutes.  Three days a week you do "shaper" exercises that are very simple and you're done before you know it because it only takes 10 minutes.  
I believe anyone can start off with a bang on this program and am looking forward to coming weeks.  

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