Thursday, August 2, 2012


I love the recipes in the Choose to Lose 7-day Carb Cycle Solution first of all.  I'm really hoping that in the second book Chris will be adding some more recipes (which I'm sure there will be) and I'm hoping they will be tear out cards (Hey, I can dream, right?).  With the first book I copied the recipe pages onto card stock paper and cut them down to recipe card size then punched a whole in the upper corner and put a metal ring through it.  Now it hangs from a magnet on my fridge for quick flip easy access whenever I need it.  Works great!
Like many of us, I like variety, and I like to cook.  So when I come up with something that I or my family really likes I've decided to post it for anyone else out there who might like to try it.  You can also get more great recipe ideas from Chris at so check it out.
First up: White Egg Salad gets it's name because it's made from the egg whites only.  I use this recipe for High carb days on a piece of my favorite sprouted grain rye bread.  I also like it on Low carb days in romaine lettuce boats with a side of cucumbers and tomatoes.  Hope you like it!
White Egg Salad
12 hard boiled eggs (yolk removed) coarsely chopped
2 ribs of celery chopped but not minced
3tbsp of fat free mayo (some brands have higher sugar so be sure to check your label)
3tbsp dijon mustard (I like the creamy variety by Grey Poupon it's low sugar and fat free-just check your labels to be sure you're not getting too much sodium, fat, or sugar)
2tbsp of turkey bacon bits (be careful with these, they can be high in sodium - so I use them more as a garnish to get a little bit of that smokey bacon flavor without much calorie impact. They aren't on the approved list either, so I count them as a cheat on my high carb days, and as a protein on my low carb days)
2-3 Shakes each of dried minced onion and dried minced garlic
1tbsp of dried dill 
Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all of the ingredients in one bowl - Stir to blend well and chill.

I have a food scale on my counter and I use about 3oz of this as a serving - so this batch makes just about 8 servings.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Carb Cycling - low carb day


Ok, I'm finally going to take you through a low carb day with me, yay!  (I know I know,  just what you wanted right?)  Well hopefully after seeing a sample you won't think eating a whole day low carb is so bad.  First thing that impressed me about low carb days on this plan, you get to have a high carb breakfast!  I LOVE this and it does energize me to get through the hardest part of my day MORNINGS.  So here goes.

Breakfast - Blueberry Protein Oatmeal 

My favorite kind of oatmeal is the steel cut variety.  I love the way it "bursts" when you chew it.  I pre-cook mine in the evening and one batch according to the package directions, (bring water to boil 3c., add oats 1c plus 1/4tsp salt, stir and remove from heat.  Cover and let stand til morning) is enough to last me all week.  I use 1/2c. of cooked oatmeal heated in microwave then add 1/4c frozen blueberries and a dash of cinnamon and stir.  Then I mix up 1/2c unsweetened almond milk with 1 scoop vanilla protein powder with 1 packet of stevia, and pour 1/4 of the mixture over my oatmeal, stir and enjoy!  I use the remainder of the milk/protein mixture to make.............(don't forget your water :)