Saturday, July 28, 2012

One Day of Carb Cycling - High carb day

Breakfast Sandwich


This is one of my favorite Carb Cycle High Carb breakfasts!  I make mine with sprouted grain bread, 2/3c all whites, spinach and mushrooms (which I like to brown with a little cooking spray first then add the whites - cook till set, fold and cut in half) and topped with tomatoes and 1tbsp of greek yogurt, yum :-]  Don't forget to drink some water!  You need to drink 1 gallon of water a day on this plan - and really no matter what plan you're on.

So I had a busy day yesterday.  I finished my "shredders" early in the day, but didn't get my "shapers done until almost midnight, but I did them and went to bed feeling happy.

This is week 3 still of phase one and I am still doing my week 2 exercise schedule/sets because I missed week 2 because of surgery.  But today is Saturday! That means weigh-in day, and I still managed to lose
1.4lbs.  Not as big a number as my first week, but I am happy.  Last year, last month even, I may have completely lost my way after a week like I had week 2 with my surgery, but not now.  I jumped right back in as soon as I was allowed to do so and have been on track ever since.  I don't know why I feel so differently this time, I just know that I do.  That excites me, because usually around this time I start to get scared that the progress isn't going to continue, then I start to get unsure, and lose focus, of course that leads to modifications and frustration.............on and on.  I feel like I've finally gotten off that track, and now I'm just taking it one week at a time. (P.S. drink some water)  Coming soon....................................

Friday, July 27, 2012

Supplements (aaaaaahhhhhh)


What started as a simple search for info on a fish oil supplement that contains no cholesterol, quickly turned into looking for info on other cholesterol lowering recommendations.

All I can say (as I run screeming from the computer) is aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!
I cannot believe how much information, and how many opinions are out there about what you can do, not to mention how many companies are vying for you to spend your money on their product prompted by your need for improved health.  

I had to just STOP!  My conclusions are thus:  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Looking back - wow


What a difference just one month can make!  

I was just reading some of my oldest posts, and I can't believe how differently I feel now compared with how lost I felt then.  I'm so happy I discovered the Choose to Lose book by Chris Powell!  What makes me even happier is that my husband, my mother, and my sister have all been not just supportive, but are "on board" with me.  2 out of the 3 have read at least part of the book and are starting their very own transformations.  My sister lost 6lbs in her first few days and my mom lost 5 in her first week I believe.  I'm so happy for them.

I am on day 4 of my third week of the 7 day carb cycle solution and I can't believe how much better I feel in such a short time.  I feel focused, satisfied and in control, something I can't remember ever feeling.  To feel this good with pms is nothing short of amazing :)