Breakfast Sandwich
This is one of my favorite Carb Cycle High Carb breakfasts! I make mine with sprouted grain bread, 2/3c all whites, spinach and mushrooms (which I like to brown with a little cooking spray first then add the whites - cook till set, fold and cut in half) and topped with tomatoes and 1tbsp of greek yogurt, yum :-] Don't forget to drink some water! You need to drink 1 gallon of water a day on this plan - and really no matter what plan you're on.
So I had a busy day yesterday. I finished my "shredders" early in the day, but didn't get my "shapers done until almost midnight, but I did them and went to bed feeling happy.
This is week 3 still of phase one and I am still doing my week 2 exercise schedule/sets because I missed week 2 because of surgery. But today is Saturday! That means weigh-in day, and I still managed to lose
1.4lbs. Not as big a number as my first week, but I am happy. Last year, last month even, I may have completely lost my way after a week like I had week 2 with my surgery, but not now. I jumped right back in as soon as I was allowed to do so and have been on track ever since. I don't know why I feel so differently this time, I just know that I do. That excites me, because usually around this time I start to get scared that the progress isn't going to continue, then I start to get unsure, and lose focus, of course that leads to modifications and frustration.............on and on. I feel like I've finally gotten off that track, and now I'm just taking it one week at a time. (P.S. drink some water) Coming soon....................................